What is a Postpartum Doula?

Postpartum Doulas care for new families in the first weeks after birth providing breastfeeding assistance, general family and household support, newborn care and instruction, mother care, emotional support and offer information on available resources.


bulletIncreased chance of successful breastfeeding
bulletReduced chance of maternal and newborn hospitalization from health complications due to informed care
bulletLess chance of maternal postpartum depression
bulletMothers feel more secure and more in control
bulletLess maternal exhaustion, frustration, and apprehension during early weeks
bulletParents have higher regard and increased sensitivity towards babies
bulletReduction in unnecessary calls to pediatricians
bulletGreater participation in caring for baby from more confident fathers 
bulletDad back to work sooner with less anxiety
bulletGreater understanding of newborn emotional and physical needs and behavior
bulletEarlier bonding due to more confidence
bulletPaying for a doula provides relatives with a way to give constructive help
*From the article cited below

For more information:

What is a Postpartum Doula and What Does She Do?

The Postpartum Doula and the New Family

Mothering the New Mother by Sally Placksin

Copyright © 1997-2007 Mother Care. All photos © Mother Care & Terri McKinney Photography. All rights reserved.