
The information and the links provided on our website are for educational purposes only. Mothers-to-be are encouraged to obtain relevant information, to discuss their options with their maternity care providers and to make safe and informed choices. We welcome all inquires, but will not suggest any medical course of action.

Confidentiality of data relating to individual patients and visitors to our Mother Care web site, including their identity, is respected by everyone at Mother Care. Mother Care undertakes to honor or exceed the legal requirements of medical/health information privacy that apply in both Canada and the US.

Ask a Professional

Mother Care's Ask a Professional information is designed to help you obtain advice and guidance. The experts who provide information in this forum believe it to be accurate and reliable. In some instances, the information provided in this area may represent opinion or judgment. Neither our panel of experts nor Mother Care guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information in this area. As such, neither Mother Care nor our panel of experts will be responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. None of the experts nor Mother Care shall be liable or responsible to any person or entity for any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly by the information or ideas contained, suggested, or referenced in this service area. Your participation in this service therefore is solely at your own risk".


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